Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

We are slowly returning to normal. Ed and Leah are sick. Ed has been sick for almost 2 weeks and is going to the Dr. today. Leah is showing similar symptoms, so she is going to. We had a wonderful Christmas, but missed Daddy (as he had 2 funerals to do.) It was probably best as he just slept in between services and preparations....but it definitely is not Christmas without Daddy. We saw lots of family.....and Baby H was new to the celebration. We missed Baby E and her Mom and Dad (but spent some time chatting on the web cam on Christmas) We spent lots of time with my sister and boys.... doing a little to get ready for a baby niece in a couple of months....but lots of playing too!

We came home on New Year's but brought Lightening Mc Queen and Snuggle Bug with us. Lightening Mc Queen is almost 5. Snuggle Bug is 21 months but needs a new name. Compare pics! I don't regret giving my crib away! Toddlers are hard when you aren't use to them. He is so lucky he is adorable... because he is messy and a Houdini!! On day one he figured out how to crawl through the cat door in the laundry room and loved pouring out their water bowls! He is so quick! Saturday, we met his Mom and Dad halfway and skated home on ice. The rest of the weekend was spent with laundry and trying not to get sick. I went back to work today. It's nice to be back, but the whole class....students, teachers and nurse are rusty at class routine! I'm sure we'll be back to normal tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Cute kids! I'm glad you got to spend time with them. So sorry Ed and Maleah are sick, I hope they were able to get answers at the doctor and will be feeling better very soon. Happy New Year, Patty!!

Shelley said...

I hope you are all feeling better soon. That yucky stuff seems to be going around. Family is special and I'm glad you were able to spend time with them. I know it's hard to juggle time with big families. Baby H is a cutie pie! He was so good in church last Sunday.