Friday, May 29, 2009

Last day of school

The students are happy, the teachers are HAPPY, why is the nurse crying?

I will miss it!!! I never thought any job could replace hospice. My little guy has really touched my heart. The toughest part was not being able to say a real goodbye forever. Actually, maybe it is better in this sense. For all the little guy knows (or cares about me), we will both be back on Monday. I did write a thank you note to his parents. They know I'll miss him. I know I'll miss him. He knows that Mom drove him home and he doesn't like the work of school. He likes recess and sometimes art! I've learned to like recess and art too!

I think he liked me some... today he signed "help" to get him out of a time out! I know he liked my pushing him on the swing!

I have updated my resume. Since the house financing is out of my hands for the moment, I will be job searching. Of course, hospice is my first choice.... but I am much more open this year. God may just have something better in mind!!!!

P.S. Say a little prayer for me and my sewing machine, "Jan". We are putting (more correctly attempting) to place button holes in tote bags for the VBS kids. The older LWML ladies made it sound soooooo easy. ah sure!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Many reasons for delay in blogging

graduated husband and awaiting pics from family (still struggling with camera issues)
buying a home ..... financing YUCK!!!!!
starting to pack ... thank goodness we kept all of our boxes
preparing for VBS and nephew,Lightening McQueen, to stay a week
preparing for Leah's dance recital
preparing for transition in my job from school nurse to audit nurse (THANKS to God for the work until we move!)
Celebrating Luke's 10 th BD yesterday with 2 celebrations. (yes I let him turn double digits YIKES)
Finding a new job
Planning an ordination!!!
catching up with laundry from 5 days in Seminary City and Des Moines
Baseball, lots of games and T ball

There is more I'm sure..... but this is making me tired and stressed. Last day of school is Friday.... I'm actually sad to leave my little guy and his classmates. But there is no way to say goodbye to him. It's probably best that he thinks school is just done for the day or the weekend. I'll miss the job and seeing great teachers at work. I will not miss winter recess though!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Healthcare reform at Patty's expense!

Did ya hear how they plan to fund healthcare reform by taxing sugary drinks?

Do you think I should
a) quit
b) switch to Diet DP
c) beg for a medical waiver as I need the medicinal effects in the morning to clear the nights allergies?
d) get a second job

You might see even less of me..... I'll probaby be working more =-) ADDICTION IS A PAIN!

p.s. Off to seminary city with the family to graduate Ed. YEAH!!!!!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

I had a wonderful Mother's Day! My big gift.... a Maytag! Ed says I don't have to keep washing undies (or 4 {who wear about 8} people's worth of clothing) by hand! He did ask me not to by any more underwear with the words on them until Leah can read though! I guess that' something Dad's are not into.

My day started the night before. The ladies aid gave us a gift certificate to a steak house with free babysitting! YEAH. You know which one I liked best! They did make a great baked potato and grilled mushrooms though. We had a nice evening and SURPRISE!! The hostess brought me roses from my kids, with a hand signed card. Yes, I cried happy tears! They made photo cards too. Thanks Lola for helping them!!

Mother's day was wonderful with the kids singing in church and we took a picnic (Taco John's) at the baseball park and then my whole family went to tulip town nearby and let me revel in my Dutch heritage (WITHOUT COMPLAINING!). We then went to my Mom's grave and they comforted my tears. I have survived 15 years without my mother.... I never thought that was possible 15 years ago.

At home I got a nap then, Ed made supper, grilled cheese and soup, my favorite! Luke said Monday could be Mother's day again.... but Ed said that ship had pass! I'll be remembering that comment next month!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Lots of changes ahead!

Yesterday I drove to new hometown and looked at houses to buy or rent. Wow. We set a budget and hoped the buyer's market would deliver. NOPE. Our experts say we can do a higher budget, but we are not ready to buy our future house without lots more planning. The tax credits just aren't worth that type of stress!!! We do have more time for the "magical-great bones-fixer upper house" to appear next month just begging for me to "flip" it. I have done all my homework... you know my degrees from TLC and HGTV and my favorite show Property Ladder! If it can be done on TV... it can't be that hard right?

Actually there is such a house that needs a garage and some fresh paint and flooring. It is a part of an estate and right now their numbers (probably based on emotion for their childhood home) and our numbers are WAY off. My heart fluctuates between wanting to love a home again and set down roots versus renting for another 6-9-12 months. Ed and I have lots of decisions, discussions and prayer!

I visited my children's future school, heard the children singing for their upcoming spring program and wanted to cry "mom's happy tears" right in front of the principal. Seriously. I was so happy my heart is swelling!!! I know this is the right school... even if we are homeless right now!

I didn't visit the hospice house. I learned my lesson the last time I visited a hospice house that didn't have a job opening for a year. Just broke my heart!! I did go to the hospital and saw 3 job openings. It's a little soon to apply. I don't think the hospital wants to hire me to just have us wait to finish vicarage, move, ordain my husband and then decide to show up for work. But the wheels are in motion and the time will fly!

P.S. still waiting to have the washing machine fixed. And I hand washed Thursday's undies. But my car decided it wanted to see the repairman too so the washing machine had better just need a little TLC repair, or this Momma will be hand washing lots!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

The pressure!!

Wouldn't ya know my washing machine dies on the weekend I buy Leah "days of the week" underwear. I have been avoiding that pressure for months, and now the machine dies and the serviceman has the "flu". I had to be sympathetic for him with all of the swine flu paranoia. But, I NEED A WASHER by Wednesday night... or we will have one crabby 5 year old without the correct undies. Or this Mama will have to go back and buy the Hello Kitty undies that I should have bought in the first place.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The pain of chores

Mom - "Leah, it's time to come in. Tell your friends goodnight."

Leah- Mom, I want to play more, I'm not tired.... we are playing tag and pretending to play house.

Mom- "you need to finish cleaning your room now"

Leah (Drop to the floor in sobs.) "but my arm hurts"

Mom - "Then use your other arm."

Leah "But my legs ... oh and my feet"

Poor child needs to have her limbs amputated. Can you feel her pain? Her awful mother doesn't.

Love of Seminary City

We are slowing recovering from our excitement over call day, getting back to work and school and recovering from colds... no fevers so we are certain it's not the swine flu! I was pleasently surprised that Luke came to tour our new home town so willingly and we heard only great things about his visits to school, friends and boyscouts without tearful demands to stay!

His creative writing assignment this week shows his mind is still there.......

My house in "seminary city"

I would build my dream house in "seminary city". I would either have it in the city or near the city. I would be a five story house with a huge basement, and a brick bedroom in the basement with no windows and a flat screen TV. I would have 5 bedrooms one for everyone and my cats even get there own bedroom. I would have a swimming pool that
goes 20 feet deep. The best thing in the house is my room with a flat screen TV.

I copied this in his words and spelling. I do feel I need to clarify... the brick bedroom is not a cell... just good tornado protection and a TV to keep by the minute updates! We are hoping he outgrows his fears of storms and becomes a meterologist!