Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

I had a wonderful Mother's Day! My big gift.... a Maytag! Ed says I don't have to keep washing undies (or 4 {who wear about 8} people's worth of clothing) by hand! He did ask me not to by any more underwear with the words on them until Leah can read though! I guess that' something Dad's are not into.

My day started the night before. The ladies aid gave us a gift certificate to a steak house with free babysitting! YEAH. You know which one I liked best! They did make a great baked potato and grilled mushrooms though. We had a nice evening and SURPRISE!! The hostess brought me roses from my kids, with a hand signed card. Yes, I cried happy tears! They made photo cards too. Thanks Lola for helping them!!

Mother's day was wonderful with the kids singing in church and we took a picnic (Taco John's) at the baseball park and then my whole family went to tulip town nearby and let me revel in my Dutch heritage (WITHOUT COMPLAINING!). We then went to my Mom's grave and they comforted my tears. I have survived 15 years without my mother.... I never thought that was possible 15 years ago.

At home I got a nap then, Ed made supper, grilled cheese and soup, my favorite! Luke said Monday could be Mother's day again.... but Ed said that ship had pass! I'll be remembering that comment next month!!


Melissa said...

Happy Mother's Day, just a week late! Sounds like you had a great day. Thanks for the news special e-mail. That was very sweet!

Anonymous said...

You'll have fun using the new Maytag...blame the missing days of the weeks undies on the super suction of the new machine :)

ann said...

That sounds wonderful, Patty! A new washer, time in Tulip Town, and a yummy taco with no meat in the park. You deserved every bit of it.