Tuesday, January 20, 2009

History has changed


I just wanted to explain why I recorded today's date in your baby book. I want you to recognize that history has been made today and does reflect hope for the future. Putting all politics aside (and that Malia or Maleah is a great name!) The human race has changed. A bi-racial man can and has become the leader of the free world. Last year, I feverishly read many books when you told me that you were black and everyone else at preschool was white. What I read about how past injustice continue to effect current racial issues scared me. I just kept praying that our love and parenting choices would help you focus and give you confidence. I pray for you that your future happens because of choices you'll make and using the blessings God gave you. It will probably take hard work and guts and won't always be easy. Dad and I will be behind you. God has such wonderful plans for both of my children. As your parent, I pray the obstacles will only be as hard as they need to be. I feel such tremendous hope that so many more avenues will be open if you chose to seek them. America has accepted change. The future is so much brighter! I LOVE you and am so proud to call you my daughter.

Love, Mom


Anonymous said...

I like that, that things will only be as hard as they need to be, rather than not be hard at all. That's good stuff. Such a sweet letter to your little princess dolly angel girl :)

Anonymous said...

There will only ever be ONE MALEAH for my Anna...her buddy.