Saturday, February 2, 2008

Pine car derby

It's amazing the difference a few numbers make! Last year, the men in my house (older and young) were devasted with a faulty wheel that caused last place in all of the derby races. This year with very determined spirit, the wheels were perfect! 13th place out of 48!!! The first one SB won ---- the smile told the whole story of relief flooding over him.......too bad my camera was in my purse. This smile is back to an 8 year old trying not to show missing teeth...trying to be cool already. Kodak made it easy to switch the image to "cartoon". Congratulations Guys!!!!

I really hope there is a boy scouts where we move this summer.


PJ said...

I hope there's a boy scout troop too. Wouldn't want to discourage the derby enthusiasts.

PJ said...

And...thanks for your kind comments about my scholarship entry!!

Ann said...

Way to go SB! Owen was in scouts but since the last two moves we just haven't got back in. I need to get him back in that.