Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The middle 20

Continuing with the next 20....but I have no idea what happened to 21,22 and 23. ???? So I make something up.

21. Favorite color? Periwinkle blue....makes my eyes stand out.
22. How long off DP? almost 2 weeks!!!! I have about 6 oz of Coke in the am. I know...I know!
23. What do you drive? A green Grand Caravan....a mom mobile....and I love it!
24. Do you drink your soda from a straw? No....and I am so looking forward to calling it Pop again! By the way, Nurse Patty is here to educate that using a straw leads to even more "effects from carbonation"...
25. What did your last IM say? I have no idea how to IM...learning how to blog takes all my tech concentration.
26. Are you someone's best friend? I hope so.
27. What are you doing tomorrow? Working. I am REALLY counting this job as a blessing....now that I am updating my resume. But the Lord may lead to a new Hospice job. Hopefully :-)
28. Where is your mom right now? With Jesus. Oh, how I miss her. Her grave will be much closer to me next year. I have missed this. She has been in Heaven, 14 years on April 29.
29. Look to your left, what do you see? My Van Gogh calender, lots of x's for the countdown. :-) :-)
30. What color is your watch? I don't wear one, but have a necklace type watch that I wear for assessments. Kinda of geeky....yep geeky nurse!
31.What do you think of when you think of Australia ? $$$$$$$$$$$
32. Would you consider plastic surgery? Never thought I would, but my eyes may need a lift.....and of course a breast reduction. That will happen some day. While I'm under....a little more work wouldn't hurt!
33. What is your birthstone? aquamarine
34. Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? Drive through all the way. Even Krispy Kreme's....but I feel real guilty!!! I just know they are thinking she does't need a donut and at least she could do is walk to the cash register. But then I couldn't stop from ordering many more! When I was my mother in law's housekeeper, it was my twice monthly treat. I'd make sure they saw the baby in the backseat, to ease my guilt!
35.How many kids do you want? Some days just 2. Somedays a dozen! Don't tell B! Actually he knows.
36. Do you have a dog? No, I love my kitties.
37. Last person you talked to on the phone? The commons at campus. Where is B?
38.Have you met anyone famous? I took care of the mayor of my home town once.
39. Any plans today? Reclean the house after the kids redestroyed it. School tomorrow!!!! Then M.G. and I will scrapbbook. Get out the glittery stickers!
40. How many states have you lived in? 4, I want to return to my birth state soon!

Wow - this took forever....blogger autosaved every 2 minutes....and I have no idea how to stop it. Ann???? I also need to add to my sidelines.....but have NO clue where to start. Ann?????

All of the above is true. Probably not as exciting in world terms....I'm pretty boring. I'm happy about it though!


Ann said...

Patty I posted a comment here but it didn't go through. Or maybe you have comment moderation on? I'll check quick.

Ann said...

Nope haha

Ann said...

Anyway, my original comment was along the lines of, "You are so cute cute cute! Just call me and I'll talk you through all that blog stuff. And I completely agree, periwinkle is a fabulous color on you!!!"