Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The crud

The crud has been here since the weekend and is not going away. Poor Mermaid Girl just isn't getting better... Flu and now a superimposed ear infection. She now has antibiotics and hopefully she will be back to dancing soon! Every hour or so she wants me to recheck her throat. She doesn't want to listen to nurse or mommy theories....just get the flashlight out and dispense sympathy in big doses. We have called Grandma several times and she loves hearing my "Dear God -- it's Mommy" prayers. I know illness has struck many households, many of our co-student families also have the respiratory junk. I just read from one Mom that Vicks on the feet calms a cough. FYI --- It works but no one wants to come near us!
Blessings for Good Health in your homes!

1 comment:

Ann said...

We have it here, too (Owen and Emily). I hope MG gets well soon! Poor little sweetheart!