Sunday, February 10, 2008

Crud has slowly left....dreaming about our future home, closer to family.

I'm hoping the crud has finally left. The kids and I missed church today... because S.B's ear hurt and a low grade temp. - But they are both gone now. Thank you, God! I don't think I could handle another week of the flu... and just put the carpet shampooer away. My ears are still full of pressure, but the sore throat and cough has cleared....without Dr. Pepper. I have stopped counting the hours without my wonderful elixer. In fact, I had to count that I'm 5 days off the DP. Now to be honest I have had 3 glasses of Coke....This girl can't go cold turkey....but the ice tea works most days.

I just picked my brother up at a truck stop north of town and ate at a Bob Evans. Pretty good food and a cold Coke! MG had Kraft Mac and Cheese for 2.99. I think that's Grand Robbery....but the kids say it taste's better than the box at home. for $2, should!! The kids had a blast with Uncle Tom and his dog - Ralph. They even wanted to take a trip with Uncle Tom and Ralph to Salt Lake City. I could have had a week or longer childless.....but would have missed them far too much.... Uncle Tom was able to really talk up rural life and life in Minnesota. Luke is all for fishing for bull heads, toads and crawdads. Also Non poisonous snakes and snow that you never think will melt. It's a great place to raise kids....but I still hope we don't hear any state north of 90.
Wishing you all good health!


Ann said...

We've got the crud. Owen had strep, Ethan and I have all that but our tests came out negative. Bleh. I was hoping for strep so I'd be feeling better faster with antibiotics. Bleh.

Patty, I cheated. I ate a Jr. Bacon cheeseburger and small fry from Wendy's last night. I'm sorry. I thought about mailing you ten dollars, and making a rule for myself that every time I cheat I have to mail ten dollars to Patty. That might motivate me to not cheat.

PJ said...

I was giving up meat for lent...but after 4 days I remembered that carbs make my post-chemo hot flashes worse. (Remembered when the temp on them went up about 15 degrees!!!) So I added chicken. Still no red meat. (And I am a steak and potatoes girl!!)

Thanks for visiting.