Saturday, August 30, 2008

Thats life around here

I have a great "new desk" that I bought at the re sell it shop back in Seminary City. Ed doctored it up with a new cornerround and fixed the drawers tight. Luke has been promised a wage to paint it. We did not paint it in Seminary City, because we didn't want a fresh paint coat to scratch.

The time was finally right to paint today, and he went to work with he found a new friend who likes Bakugon and he wanted a mat to play the game. (think expensive new fashioned marble game.) Leah was allowed to be a spectator. I went in to throw in some Laundry and when I came back..... the paint brush was unattended. The distraction? a baby garter snake!!! Our next door neighbor is quite the wild animal lover and found it mowing. His 2 kids and my 2 kids are fascinated! Now, my first thought is KILL IT!! KILL IT!! Snakes fall just below mice on my horror list, only because they eat mice. However, neighbor informed me last week that garter snakes do not eat mice....only bugs. This makes them valuable?????? Isn't this what RAID is for? Anyway baby snake kept its life and was moved so the mower didn't chew it into bits. Lucky snake that he's growing up in neighbors yard and not mine!
Luke gets back to work and actually does a FANTASTIC job with 2 coats. (when both kids are back in school....a little sandpaper will clean up the drip areas) and he earns enough to buy the mat and actually appears to listen to our discussion about things bought with earned money bringing more satisfaction.

No pictures of desk (your loss) and of the baby snake (no one's loss) because my camera has bit the dust. It takes pictures with the off button on and scans all pictures before ready for an actual pose. Now it won't even take pictures! The last pictures taken before this mysterious ailment where of Lightening Mc Queen's positioned transformers. Lightening Mc Queen what did you do? I have tried to reprogram to no avail. Waiting for Best Buy to have a good sale, because one never knows when a post will be begging for a picture!


Anonymous said...

Good job Luke!

That is a huge bummer that your camera is broken. You are so good about taking pictures and scrapbooking them.

Shelley said...

These are the items you cherish. You'll keep that desk forever. Yes - Way to go Luke!