Thursday, May 29, 2008


Today Leah and I tackled packing with lots of energy. All the curtains were washed, most of the "pretties" packed away. The house looks bare with just essentials, but uncluttered and it feels good!

During our business, we listened to Christian music and put in a CD of God knew your name. Before Leah was born...this song really spoke to Ed and I, and we played it at her baptism. With all the mysteries of her background, this song just really means a lot to us. Leah really likes it as well. I told her about her baptism and how special it was and as we worked I realized she kept hitting the repeat button. Soon she came to me with sobs shaking her body, as if coming from her toes. She was able to tell me she missed God and wanted to see him because he made her and held her in Heaven!! Nothing calmed her for about 10 minutes. Not words or prayer or brother giving her his bible and telling her about Jesus' second coming and holding her tight (Momma had lots of happy tears at this sight) We called Daddy at work and he was able to tell her that we see God in everything he does, but we won't see him until the time is right in Heaven. Finally, reading a toddler bible with action signs and retelling the Jesus' stories calmed her and we prayed to God how happy we were to have Leah and for Jesus' salvation. Ed brought home a book God Made It for You and she had lots of comments and questions. I'm sure it will become a favorite. What a wonderful beautiful soul she has and what a honor (although bittersweet) to share her grief in wanting her Heavenly Father.


Anonymous said...

That song was played at Anna's baptism. I love it and it brings tears to my eyes when I hear it. What a sweet soul Maleah is. Looking forward to seeing you all. Kate :)

Anonymous said...

Patty that brought me to tears! So very precious.