Thursday, May 22, 2008

Welcome to the last week of school

I am so glad Luke has a RN for a mother.....I'm betting his classmates mothers are happy as well. Last year I sent him in the last 2 weeks of school with chicken pox (In my defense, he had the vaccine...and I didn't know that it changes the presentation). This year, as a dutiful mother, I kept both kids home with their slightly red throats and sluggishness on Tuesday. By evening, both were so wired up I knew the virus was OVER and back to school they would go. Luke was quite dramatic in the morning that he was "deathly" sick. The slight redness was still low in his I sent them off to school with stern words of "toughen up". By 5 pm, Ed was in the doctors office getting a prescription for Penicillin to treat Luke's Strep Throat. And Sheepishly, I call to tell the teacher and get the arrangements to take his last tests of the school year. I have a poor defense this year...other then I keep forgetting my children have different DNA and obviously respond differently to illness. Leah still has a run down "whiny" attitude and is laying around lots....but no strep....yet anyway. Let the Summer fun begin...2 days early!

What a summer we will have! I alternate between being excited with all the preparations and having twinges of homesickness for what I have grown to love in this big city. Maybe some of this is fear, or just dread of the hard work of moving and some "homelessness" during the week of the move when our belongings will be in the truck in storage. The vicar's wife I am replacing has 6 children and home schools them all ...I know these are shoes I couldn't possibly replicate. I keeping telling myself this is a good thing and I can be more of myself ----working mother....who just tries to keep all of the balls floating in the air. I have not looked for a job yet.....and will work here until moving day to provide for us until we get settled and I can interview in person. This takes tremendous stress off of me!! And what's good for Momma....I'm hoping will be good for the kiddos.

This week I started training my replacement. She will do wonderful, but I am trying to show her this job is rewarding and not too stressful. I wish the families of the new patients were cooperating as well. Gotta love family dysfunction!!! It's everywhere and we care for patients and their families at the very worse times in their lives. I know my replacement knows this....I just pray she doesn't go running away with trying to learn it all. As a nurse, when I add up the just physical aspects of the job....I sometimes wonder what is taking up so much time. Training another has shown me....why some nights I go home with such a headache and just have enough energy to read blogs!

Well, what a long post....I should separate them and maybe make it more interesting. But welcome to our home this week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Owen has strep too! And chicken pox??? Oh man! Is that the rash you were talking about earlier? Poor Luke.

Okay. So. You are coming here in just a couple itty bitty weeks, YAY!! So our kids are sick now which means they'll be nice and healthy when you get here. And so will we, the moms, of course. Because we never get sick. And I am VERY glad you are an RN. You have no idea how happy that makes me :)