Monday, May 26, 2008

Perfect for my 100th post

I had thought about a Meme for my 100Th. But turns out it is on Luke's special day. Today he's "half grown up". Yep, my baby boy is 9 and so PROUD of it. Ed and I just can't believe 9 years have past since that wonderful phone call a little after 5 pm. Oh, how our life has changed!!!!!! And we are still so grateful to God and Luke's' birth parents. The 9 years have sped by and I'm positive the next 9 will be even faster.

Luke, you not only changed us from a couple into parents. You have given us a life so full of energy and fun! You have ideas like no one else we have ever met, and ask us such deep questions that constantly amaze us. Your humor keeps growing and you are becoming quite clever. I just know you are growing up to make a huge difference in the world. God has great plans for you. Keep smiling and looking for the good in the world. I hope you never lose your spirit....even if that means we need to always stay on our toes! Your love for your sister and animals is so warm our hearts everyday. Enough of "that mush, Mom" I hope you did have "the best birthday ever" and take all that is good in the next year!

By the pictures you can see his true smile. (not even caring about 2 missing teeth His aunts and uncles spoiled him again and Grandma and Grandpa S. gave him a "webkinz" he has always wanted. Look closely at the picture and you can see by the box, that we really spoiled him. Uncle Sam made it possible, but Luke did work hard at school this year, and over all we just treated the family. Our family received an extra remote...and all day long Leah, Luke and Dad played games of Baseball, Tennis, Golf and Boxing. I had a couple of turns too......BUT DID YOU KNOW THERE IS SCRAP BOOKING ON THERE?!?!?!!? Ann and Ms. Piggy you never told me this...... HA HA. Luke even had great fun...putting beards and cutting out faces and giving himself different colored hair. Quite a book we are making. One neat thing is to make puzzles out of our pictures. Luke has been great,realizing that this gift is also for the family...and shares willingly. The only breaks taken where to eat meals and from the "cookie cake" and keep looking at the house and town pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUKE!!!! I cannot believe it's been 9 whole years!

Enjoy that Wii! It really is a wonderful family system!