Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Prayers answered

Prayers have been answered and the Prednisone is clearing the rash. The Doctor today says we will probably never know the cause and it probably is not our soap. She thinks it might have been a allergen in the air? Perhaps a neighbor had mowed over a toxic plant? I don't know. I am just so grateful it is going away.

The whole stomach issues will take longer...but not as mysterious. The kids were so cute last night and packed their own high fiber cold lunches for a field trip today....Turkey on wheat bread, fresh carrots and melon. We all have new water bottles...that are making water "taste yummy". SMILE....I'm for whatever works for them. Today Leah and I were chaperones for a field trip to the science center. I just know my mother was never SO TIRED after a field trip :-) God Bless those teachers who care for our children each and every day!!

I am calming down after my outrage at NBC....Thanks for bearing with me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you got that rash thing figured out! Owen ended up with Fifths Disease. It's spreading like crazy around here. It looks just awful, but the doctor said that by the time the rash shows up, you're not contagious anymore. It looks terrible, but there's no pain or itching or anything.