Thursday, November 29, 2007


Poor Skittles. Yesterday was her big surgery. Tummy Spayed and front claws removed. She was happy to come home....but is furious with me to lock her in 2 rooms of our house. Of course...she doesn't understand Dr's orders and protection from her own crazy kittenish actions. She kept poking her paws under the door for about an hour and then gave up to take a nap. Mean Mommy. Checkers was really worried and seems quite happy that Skittles has returned.

Checkers herself went to the vet on Monday due to stomach issues and a 1 pound weight loss in about 4 weeks. A little bubble gum Amoxicillin has made her start to eat again and gave her lots of spunk back. Thank you WONDERFUL VET!! Of course - she hates bubble gum flavored medication. The vet said it is the same that human kids get and they can comment as to how much they would dislike tuna flavored medication!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor Skittles...hope she is feeling better. The girls would be sneaking the Amoxicillin if it were at our house. They LOVE the taste of liquid antibiotics...actually, I do too. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Glad that all is well. Kate :)