The students are happy, the teachers are HAPPY, why is the nurse crying?
I will miss it!!! I never thought any job could replace hospice. My little guy has really touched my heart. The toughest part was not being able to say a real goodbye forever. Actually, maybe it is better in this sense. For all the little guy knows (or cares about me), we will both be back on Monday. I did write a thank you note to his parents. They know I'll miss him. I know I'll miss him. He knows that Mom drove him home and he doesn't like the work of school. He likes recess and sometimes art! I've learned to like recess and art too!
I think he liked me some... today he signed "help" to get him out of a time out! I know he liked my pushing him on the swing!
I have updated my resume. Since the house financing is out of my hands for the moment, I will be job searching. Of course, hospice is my first choice.... but I am much more open this year. God may just have something better in mind!!!!
P.S. Say a little prayer for me and my sewing machine, "Jan". We are putting (more correctly attempting) to place button holes in tote bags for the VBS kids. The older LWML ladies made it sound soooooo easy. ah sure!!!
The Surgery, Part One
9 years ago