Sunday, March 9, 2008

Barbie Hair

Mommy loves Cool Cuts. They taught me how to corn row. Now I can kinda get close to something like a corn row. Yesterday, they taught me how to straighten hair. I have NEVER seen such a smile on my girl. Brittney the stylist, was the BEST person ever....I guess Mommy is just chopped liver in the hair department. To take the pictures.....she wanted you to see all the angles. I didn't get the picture of the shake out your hair and twirl for the pizza delivery man....but he can attest to the fact.....THIS LITTLE GIRL LIKES BARBIE HAIR!! She combs and brushes her hair every 10 minutes! Now she went to bed before the first pictures where loaded and not one had captured her DIVA SMILE! Today at church....the smile was back because her hair was STILL STRAIGHT. We did have a discussion about the need to wear a coat....because her hair couldn't blow freely in the wind. I have been gently warning her that with her next bath...should be Tuesday.....the hair will go back to normal. I don't think we'll see the same smile. I bought the hair product and I have a similar Straighening rod and better techniques we shall see. I did the same for these Christmas you can see not the same. Hopefully....Brittney at COOL CUTS...let a little of her coolness rub off on me. We did discuss with Leah that Brittney can deliver great hair.....and Mommy knows how to deliver shots to people. Yeah....guess Mommy went to school for the wrong profession!!


Anonymous said...

Britteny delivers great hair, Mommy delivers shots and Miss Kate delivers babies and shots but not great hair :) What BEAUTIFUL pictures of a BEAUTIFUL girl. I love her dance pose. What a sweetpea. Miss you...Kate

Ann said...

Maleah, you look absolutely beautiful! Patty, you'll have to share with me what you use before doing the flat iron. My flat iron fries my hair. I'd love to know how you get it all smooth and shiny!