Saturday, January 5, 2008

War on Clutter

Wow! My first post of 2008 and only 4 days late! Perhaps regular blogging should be on my resolution list. But that would just equal failure in '08. Maybe next year!

We are down to less than 6 months before big changes in our life. Thus far it has been fun to watch the count it's time to get busy. Thus my plans are -
declutter--- perhaps this will help. I visit this site often and even have someone named Skipper sending me emails every day to get a spotless house and remain that way in 30 days. Yeah...... Skipper's email is deleted most every day. I do have a plan. Starting on Tuesday -- Goodwill or our favorite campus store will get some of our treasures. My first version of this sentance said "may get some of our treasures". SHEEESH!!!! I wish I knew why I remain such a pack rat. Maybe there is a magic pill or fairy that can make this problem vanish. Last night, I was dreaming of my house looking like it could show on HGTV. So starting on Tuesday --- the bags and boxes come out. I have broke the house down into do-able areas. I have "Clean Sweep" and "Misson Organization" on DVR as motivational encouragement. I have the box tape, labels and an area to place boxes of mementos that we do want to move around the country. I want to win this battle!!! I have learned 2 pieces of advice in a book I've read recently. One reason houses stay cluttered is perfectionism......... Crazy enough.....I can understand this. If I don't have the emotional or physical energy to complete the job and not make mistakes.....I will never start. Another piece of advice is not to look for big areas for storage...... i.e. a smaller bookcase is just a good as a huge one. I buy the big bookcase....and just keep 4 times as many books!! Wish me luck!!! So off the computer now to help Mermaid Girl collect her 10,000 barbies and accessories that took a journey around our house today while Mommy was at work!

Thanks for keeping Luke and Caleb's family in your prayers. Luke is doing much better. I know Monday will be hard, especially for Caleb's brother and family.


Ann said...

Rent a big ol' dumpster and just throw it all away. At first it's really hard, but then it feels so great! A tear or two rolled down our cheeks the day they came to take our rented dumpster away last year when we decluttered to move here.

Ann said...

Actually, donate the usuable stuff to Good Will, throw anything broken/expired/non-recyclable away.

Anonymous said...

When you finish "decluttering" please feel free to come over to our house and help me....HELP is what I need.Your family as well as the school family are in our thoughts and prayers.Miss you bunches. Kate :) P.S.I am wearing my socks like a good "soon to be PW" should...

His Girl said...

War on clutter. Yes, m'am... we had such a project in our garage at the end of last year and I think it's cured us of buying/keeping/looking at clutter for a good long time. Blessings on your task!