Monday, January 28, 2008

Malaise (Sheer fatigue)

Wow, 6 days again without a post. :-( I actually have some things to post and a MEME to respond to. I am beat brain is mush. I am not going to read a single blog! The phone rang at 6 for me to come in early and work the floor, then follow up with a very sad admission. There has to be a full moon ---- Nurses with the flu, clotted lung drainage tubes, mentally ill wives, and unexpected dying patients. Oh and my stable patient lost his gold teeth! What?? I can handle no more!
Tomorrow, I stay at home - and will not answer the phone.


Anonymous said...

Rest up and post when you are energized...I love reading your blog. Keep the posts coming but take care of yourself first. That is an order, STAT!!! Kate :)

Ann said...

Oh, Patty I hope you are going to get a nice long nap in today. I know how you need your naps :) I'd watch the kids for you but I'm a million miles away...