Thursday, January 31, 2008


I'm not weird or anything: To be honest, it's an honor to have my first Meme....even if it's taken me almost a week to figure out only 6 -- that won't scream out Patty is so Weird!!

1. As most of you can see. I am a horrible speller. I blame it on a new type of curriculum that was used in my first grade class. It was then determined to be ineffective and thrown out the very next year in 1977. Now to be honest, I only remember overhearing this and committing the excuse to memory. I have a great way to skip details that don't apply to me. For instance.....I almost think the new curriclum was Phonics......only after seeing commercials for how it will teach every child to spell.....did I realize that was the program my mother said didn't work? Wish I could clarify this with my dear Mother who now lives with Jesus. Since I can't.... I'm staying true that in 1976... some horrible spelling curiculum was brainwashed into my brain and poor me....I'll never be able to spell! (my sister and brother are good spellers...won spelling bees even) ( I am not getting the dictionary out for this post - sorry)

2. I am a speed reader. I've never been to any type of class. I just skip all the little know "in-is-the-as-was" type words. I can and have finished many a novel in a couple hours and often don't start a book if I must do something important the next day. I can not put a good book down. Now, skipping all the little words does mess with my comprehension. I'm blaming it on Random Fact #1's brain washing!!! I have been blessed to have good test taking skills, also that sharpies were around in Nursing School. In order to comprehend every word - I'd read while the highlighter was at the ready to highlight. Praise God, I can remember the important stuff and I have been told I am a good nurse. Less anyone fears....

3. I am greatly effected by what I think people think of me. Probably why it's taken me a week to do this Meme. Someone loaned me this great book...... I bought my own copy before Christmas to highlight and not miss the little words. Hopefully I'll finish it before we go out into the fishbowl!

4. I am terrified of mice!! More than Ann is afraid of spiders....or certainly just as much. If a mouse can run up my childhood friend, Julie E.'s pant leg, It could run up mine. I can smell the room they are in....although research says I'm smelling their droppings. I refuse to be anywhere a mouse has recently been. Now interesting enough I am not as afraid of a rat......they are big enough to kick away if they try to run up a pant's leg. Not that I want to see one...or am not repulsed by their existence. They are just a little lower on my intolerance list. Snakes are a millimeter higher as they eat mice and rats.

5. I don't eat meat. But I'm not a vegetarian. I'll be a little more specific. I don't eat anything that has the texture of red meat, or is non processed ham or turkey. I hate the taste of chicken and fish. Very rarely, I will have a craving for smooth non fiberous or non-fatty turkey or pork. I eat that in very small servings and that could last me months! Never fear... Most places will exchange beans for hamburger....and soy products grill up nicely on the grill. I have no problems eating carbs or cheese or Dr. Pepper.....which has gotten me into this shape!!

6. I don't like movies! My parent's faith told them that cards and movies lead to sin. So I saw my first movie, Footloose, when I was 16. Interesting - my parents were not upset. I think it was more about wasting money then the movie itself. But, to this day I don't watch movies unless I can do something else along with it. My brother and sister have the same problem I do......I just can't stay interested that long. I married a man who memorizes movies, can watch them over and over, and takes such enjoyment in them that he's teaching the kids to do the same. I'm all for it. I think a movie is like a mini vacation from stress. And I wish I could like them. I am trying to watch chick flicks as I scrap book.

Done!!! Many blogs I read only know me by a blogger number. Some of my new commentors have already been tagged. But thanks so much for commenting!!! So I tag----------
Kate (who doesn't have a blog but I wish she did), Mishi and Jessica and Joelle(who I wish blogged more).


Ann said...

I knew you didn't like movies, but I didn't know why. I'll never forget when we went to Taco John's and you ordered a taco without meat. Hahahahaha! I loved the reaction of the lady taking your order, "Huh?" Yes, a taco without meat. Just put the lettuce and cheese in the shell with no meat.

Patty you are so darn cute!

Anonymous said...

Since I don't have a blog, although I am inspired by many, here are six weird things about moi.
1. I count the number of strokes of deodorant that I put on. If it is a work day, 25-30 strokes and fewer on a non-work day.
2. I never buy the item of clothing that I try on. Instead, I take another one that is untouched from the back of the rack.
3. I love the smell of skunks and gasoline. Not that I am hanging around gas stations sniffing, but I do enjoy the aroma of petro.
4. When I am nervous, I giggle. When I was in 7th grade, my teacher, Ms. Weston, had gotten bad news that a family member had gone to the ER and I laughed. I was quickly sent to the school office.
5. I laugh at jokes that I don't understand and ask, usually my husband, what the joke meant at a later time.
6. I am sometimes nervous about making left hand turns into traffic. I am more than willing to go miles out of my way to make a right hand turn and then turn around and go back. I also have a silly fear of not getting my minivan on the carwash track correctly and the attendant having to do it for me.This was fun. Thanks for thinking if me. Kate :)