Saturday, January 19, 2008


Wow 2 weeks have lapsed since my last post. I'm surprised anyone is still reading. I can't not say I have much done in decluttering... because we have been having fun in the sun in California! The bad news is I still have allergies there. I was able to avoid my Zyrtec and I did not take any inhalers...but needed to resume back here. I am considering this a blessing however, I now know that wherever God places our will be the right place and I don't need to to wonder if the air is better in the Southwest.
Well on to CALIFORNIA. It was so nice to make memories with my daughter. We loved touring 2 zoos at a 4 year old speed, shopping for girly things, playing at parks and spending time with our good friends who we have not seen since May. MG loves playing with her little friend known as "High School Musical 2's biggest fan" or "HSM fan". She gave MG a shirt with 3 friends dancing under the title "Best friends". One was even looked like MG. They named the girls "HSM", "MG" and "Spunky Girl".
We loved worshipping with our friends.....and seeing how God has blessed them in their temporary placement. It is perfect!! We miss them, but know that God is working wonderful things through them all.
The best part is the beach!!!! I love the water and so does MG!! The first picture is her first step in the ocean!! She still keeps talking about the moving water. We had a bonfire on the beach until far after the sunset and made wonderful memories!
This post is sooo long. I should try posting more! Now on to declutter my scrapbooking closet. Wish me luck!

Blessings, Patty

P.S. Thanks for your prayers... Shark Boy has needed them. The timing of this trip couldn't have been worse...but I had to use the tickets. He is doing better...but still struggles to fall asleep without fears.


Ann said...

Patty, there's a book. I know it's kind of for younger children, but my kids love it. I got it when Owen was born. It's called God Makes Nighttime Too! I don't know who the author is because the book is at Ethan's school right now (public school! GASP! I sent a Christian book to public school! :) ) Anyway, it's really great, I'll see if I can find another copy and get it to you. If anything, you could say it's for MG but let SB listen in on it too.

I'm so glad you had fun in CA! I love the beach pictures! Can't wait to see you guys this summer :)

Ann said...

Patty, a link to that book:

Anonymous said...

What sweet, sweet memories...Can't believe how grown up these little gals are getting. It seems just yesterday they were all playing together in a house on Dale Avenue, eating peanut butter sandwiches while their mommies worked (and slept). HSM girl looks so grown up. God is so good. Glad you had fun and that SB is better. All of our CCLS friends are in our prayers each day. Kate :)