Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Seminary City

We have been so excited to visit Seminary City for Call day. I find this so surprising because in 2005, I never thought we’d call Seminary city home. We lived in an old damp “townhouse”, that was more like a small apartment with the bedrooms up a flight of stairs. I am embarrassed to admit I have been so spoiled that I was so unhappy in an apartment. Many of God’s people can serve him while living in a tent, but I need a house. That is the reality, as ugly as it is. We were so MUCH happier in a house with a basement for storage and a backyard to play. I also made it to hospice and left hospital nursing for the hospice house and wonderful Christian and supportive co-workers. Somehow Seminary City became home and we still have twinges of homesickness. Vicarage town has so many blessings and I’m sure I will be saying the same until our new home fits around us.

Seminary city has so many luxuries… like Targets and Walgreens and multiple free family activities and milder weather and dear friends that “get” what being a seminarian it and “get” how thrilling and scary is to put our faith in God’s plans for us. We have a list of people we want to see and places we want to visit “one last time”.

As we are driving in to Seminary City… even just the county suburbs… Luke says he feels choked up and could cry “happy tears”. Of course he is too grown up to cry, but not to grown up to feel he should be allowed to stay here forever! He plans an afternoon visit to his former school and a playdate and finish the week with a Boy Scout rally. Hopefully a visit will be healing and fun…. But not too fun to make him want to stay forever! Leah wants to see her friend “HSM girl” and play, play, and then play some more. She wants to see the elephant named after her, play at some favorite parks and check out a kid’s museum. Mom wants to her former coworkers and a special patient who “graduated” from hospice and generally see her family have a relaxing and enjoyable vacation that “heals homesickness”. Dad has some shopping to do at the bookstore and graduation details to work out. He has a bunch of friends to reconnect with a wants a taste of his favorite coffee.
On the trip here we stopped for a wonderful lunch with friends who have graduated from the sem and have started a great life. They are such an inspiration and still give us great support. When we were leaving, Ed said “did you get your Kate fix”. Nope… I could have had twice as long! Hopefully, our new call will be closer and I can get my “fix” more often!

Stay tuned…. our next post will be Call day!


Anonymous said...

We loved seeing you all..thanks for taking the time to see us and for lunch :)

ann said...

I can so relate to this. I felt the same way when we went back to Des Moines last summer. Seeing our little blue house, seeing YOUR house, and then most of all, seeing you and everyone at the Machine Shed. It was hard to say goodbye. But I am so excited, your new call is so much closer to Waverly than where you are right now.

And now I'm thinking about when you and Luke came out last summer, that was so so much fun. And Luke would be happy to know Ethan is a bakugan junkie! (Or has Luke out-grown it?). I really really hope it works out to see you all this summer.