Saturday, December 20, 2008

Letter to Santa

Leah is scared of Santa. She always has been scared of people in costumes. For Easter, K (beautiful brown eyed girl) at her preschool held her hand for the pictures with the Easter Bunny. So SWEET! But the fear continues and she was quite upset when we mentioned going to see him. Luke is very insistent he is too old, but told her he'd sit with her. NOPE! So we wrote him a letter and Leah wanted us to e mail it so he'd get it fast! That's my technology girl! This is the letter we emailed to "save" at Microsoft word!

December 20, 2008

Dear Santa,

I have been a good girl. I’d like a Mariposa Barbie or a Game Boy DS. I like pink. How is Mrs. Claus and Rudolph the Reindeer? I have 2 kitties that like cap nip toys. My brother needs to write his own letter. We are not spending the night at Grandma’s this year, so on Christmas Eve please come to my house.

Love, Maleah

**** Since Luke needed to write his own letter.....he did and emailed it to me!


babyblueyes said...

that is the cutest santa letter. its really cute that she included her pets and other people in the letter. she seems like a very sweet little girl.

Shelley said...

Great Santa letter! Nate still believes, but is no longer scared. K on the other hand is. They saw Santa at Jolly Holiday Lights.