Monday, December 15, 2008

I am baffled

More people access my blog through google by this picture, than any other!
It's just a picture I thought my snake adoring son would love. He really wasn't even that impressed...but just chuckled a little that I thought of him to grab a picture. I am not sure why about once a week, people check out my blog on referral of this picture?!? If you stayed to follow this little blog about the love of a momma for her snake loving boy and his sister, THANKS! Of course you know by now....that is the closest picture you'll ever see of another snake!

1 comment:

mom2jjk said...

That is funny! I have the same thing happen with one of Care Bear's pictures. It is the one of her eating pure sugar with a huge spoon and a huge bowl. I called it Breakfast of Champions so I *think* that is why I get so many hits on it.I am a little bothered though because she is nakey but everything is covered. Also about once a week I get someone from europe hopping over. Not always the same country though.