Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Sorry for the late update. Call Day was a blur and not over with until after 10 pm. Today my in laws and Leah toured this great city....poor Luke and B had school. (FYI...Luke did not DIE of boredom at school like he predicted!) B celebrated his 40th!! We just got back from dinner and walking around the river by a pretty historical town.

We are going to West Iowa. For me!! We are so happy and excited. It will be perfect for us...even if only for a year. I will be very close to where I spent my first 11 fact, if we want to drive a ways the kids could go to school where I did. I'm not sure nostalgia is worth driving 30 miles....but I did seriously think about it!!! We probably won't move until early July. We are really exited!!!! The time will fly and we hope for a little vacation time back home, and with Ann. I will be so close to many family that I would love to get to know better. The only downfall is probably not doing hospice for a year... the hospice houses are too far away...and I just can not tolerate cigarette smoke. (Many families chain smoke at these stressful times....and there would be no way to avoid it). A sabbatical from Hospice is not a bad's actually important and made me really appreciate Hospice even more when I returned.

Call Day was sunny and warm and we saw very good friends from the sem and prior to the sem. Good times!! Leah had her first sleepover... with "Spunky Girl" It was so cute to see them just pick up where they had left off. My in laws enjoyed how excited the girls were and said they were so cute. Spunky girl left her Beagle....Leah is keeping it company until Beagle can return to her rightful owner. Luke played with his good friend "Wolf boy"....They are growing up so fast...It's almost 9 years since they were born and baptized together. Now both will soon by Pastor Sons! I wish I also had pictures of the boys but... Luke had his tie and dress shirt off minutes after the ceremony to play....He just doesn't care about being pretty like Miss Leah!

I can not believe the last 3 years have passed so quickly. I am so proud of the men and hopeful for their future ministries. (The same goes double for their women folk!) We have changed and I think for the better. GOD IS GOOD! Off to bed for more sight seeing and getting ready for Uncle B and Aunt K's arrival tomorrow! Leah has her first dance recital this weekend.....can this week be any busier? Wonderful!!As I know more I'll share more about the big MOVE!!


Anonymous said...

Okay, my jaw dropped when you said Maleah was going to take care of her friend's beagle, and I literally said out loud, "NO WAY," and then I saw the picture. Stuffed animal :) Haha!

I'm so happy that you'll be back in the homeland.

Anonymous said...

Patty! That family picture didn't show up the first time I looked at this post! It's soooo good to see you guys again!

Anonymous said...

SO great to see you all. Great days are ahead for your sweet family. Kate :)

Melissa said...

I am so happy for you! I pray the best for all of you.
p.s. our outing to the beach was like going to a park, literally! It is only about 20 minutes from our house and has a great park near it. I just have to put on my brave face for my middle child who is not afraid of living creatures of all varieties!