Wednesday, December 12, 2007

"Little Tree"

Well we knew it would happen. We are just thankful the tree is only been found leaning a little just once. I just KNEW it would be crashing in the middle of the night....but she has been a good girl, although there are still 12 days until Christmas! When Checkers and Dustie were kittens....the tree was placed in a playpen, so Skittles must be much more careful! (It's a good thing...because we are fresh out of playpens in this house!)
This little tree (3 1/2 feet tall), has really served it's purpose! It was for our first Christmas in the apartment. When we became home was live Christmas trees all the way and the tree spent a few years with my sister in her apartments...but then we hung onto it for some reason. When Shark Boy was 7 months old and again when Mermaid Girl was13 months came out for sheer "Mommy Sanity" those years. It has returned to apartment/rental house Christmas', and although it needs to sit on plastic tubs for a little still brings a lot of cheer! We are looking forward to a larger tree in our own home next year....but we just might hang on to Little Tree.
Some friends of ours back home, (J and V), have a second tree just for displaying Christmas cards and Christmas photos. I hope our next home will be big enough for 2 trees... because I think this little tree would be perfect to display the Christmas Cards (and letters) I just love to receive!

Hopefully, SB's red throat is better tomorrow. I'm working evenings and can get about 2 hours of shopping in sans MG. She CAN NOT keep a secret and spends too much time on looking for Santa ideas to be helpful. Although - she has the Christmas Spirit and is addicted to DVR Frosty the Snowman this year!

Hope your Advent Season is bringing JOY!



Ann said...

Okay, I'm really laughing here because I commented on someone else's blog about friends who put their trees in a playpen to protect the tree from their small children. I said I used to roll my eyes at that, but with Emily, I totally get it now! I did not remember that it was YOU and your CATS!!! How cute! But seriously, I would put our tree in the play pen if we didn't have to have the house on the market.

Anonymous said...

I love the cat tree wonder she curled up and went to sleep. Her friends and family were laying right there with her. Makes the girls want a pet. Soon, sometime soon. Hugs to all... Kate :)