Monday, September 14, 2009

A good day

Today I went back to work for my old hospital. A 15 year history, that brings back mostly good memories. On Wednesday, I actually start at the hospice house. I have a feeling there will be some "happy tears", considering how emotional I felt just punching in for orientation.

The day didn't start great. Giving myself a little extra time to drive, I dressed carefully for my badge photo. This is worse than a driver's license photo, as will be on the front of my shirt daily, and this picture follows you through your entire career at said hospital. (I always liked seeing what the grey haired long time nurses looked like fresh out of nursing school on their badges) So makeup carefully applied, nice jacket and necklace... then to get gas and a Dr. Pepper for the trip. Only the gas pump wouldn't start up, took my card several times and then sprayed gasoline all over me!!! The attendant acted like it was my fault... but I've pumped gas for almost 30 years.... and I never had this happen to me!!

So back home for a wipe down sponge bath and new clothes (thank heaven that I'm a Pastor's wife and have a few backup "business casual" outfits ~ there was a time in my life that I'd would have been in big trouble). Guzzled my Dr Pepper and hit the road only 10 minutes late.

The best thing happened at the employee health office. The manager recognized me as a former nursing school classmate. I never would have recognized her, as it has been 18 years. But I'm well over 50 pounds heavier!! I had been ruminating on restarting Weight Watchers, because I'm getting sick of being so overweight. I probably still should... but it felt good to be remembered even if I am still not a size 6!!

Miss Leah actually went to bed on time and Luke is so happy I can work for the hospice house... maybe this commuting will work for a while. But I'm not using that gas pump ever again!


mom2jjk said...

Come to OR! We CAN'T pump our own gas so if that happened it would all be the attendants fault.

Right now on Weight Watcher's online and actual meetings you get the first month free. I really like their program. Down 17lbs and several inches! Tight size 12 to 8 or 10 depending on the brand cut etc... I feel so much better about myself and actually like getting dressed everyday.

Have fun at the Hospice House. I really am very jealous! I love being able to be home with my kids but I wish I could work just a little to get some adult interaction!

Anonymous said...

So glad that everything worked out with your job. Sorry about the gas experience. Hope that you didn't keeep smelling gas fumes all day...that would have made for a memorable orientation for you and the other new hires :)