Saturday, September 12, 2009

Note to darling children

Dear children: We all know your mother is not a natural cook. Baking is great yes.... but not the same as cooking. We all know this!

For future reference..... When you see this plate,

Mom has actually thought about a plan, implemented this plan to prepare a delicious, nutritious, cost conscious and home cooked meal. This might have taken her all afternoon. You will not utter the words "YUCK" "I wont try it" "Why do I have to eat this", or vomit your bite (yes this has happened). You may do what Mommy did as a little girl and coat her meat in ketchup.

If your plate looks like this....

Feel free to complain all you want. But you won't because it is probably pizza, spaghetti, fish sticks or hamburger helper. You guzzle this right down, which doesn't hurt my feelings because it was probably decided a half hour before supper time.

On a side note.... when googling a picture of the dirt cheap plates I bought at the seminary for $5 for a microwave sized box full of these "just pretty" dishes that I liked..... I discovered a single plate sells for $18 on ebay. Wow. I gave away the salt and pepper shakers because they don't match "my real china" and I'd never use them with their little plastic stopper bottoms anyway. I should have googled them first. Oh well, since they are going to be used to highlight a whole afternoon's worth of planning and effort to "torture" my children, I'll probably keep them!


mom2jjk said...

Funny! Love the pretty plates!!

Perri said...

I've paid way too much to buy pieces to my Corelle ware on eBay, so I know what you mean.

I like your new dishes :-)

I feel your pain on the bite vomit, having also experienced it at our house.