Friday, August 28, 2009

Finally a Job!

Patty has a job! In HOSPICE!!! YEAH. I'm going to give it my best shot. It is 90 minutes away. (for my old hospice house job) I will be working 12 hours every Wednesday. The start of my day, will be preparing for Interdisciplinary Team Meeting, and admissions, followed by working the evening doing patient care. Then I will also work every other weekend days. The only interviews I had prior to this was nights in telemetry and nights in a nursing home. (The horrible economy is effecting the hospitals too) Their decisions were pending until next week. They are local, but not definite. Because I'd be working while my family was sleeping and sleeping while they were awake.... I think night jobs would cause a lot of havoc in my family... because if Mom doesn't sleep... Mom is CRABBY! (even with all my best efforts not too). Anyway the extra city income will be used with transportation costs, but staying in DSM will be free (although my father in law will have quite a daughter in law do list) :-)))) That's OK! I am just so relieved to work back in hospice, in a wonderful hospice organization, with wonderful Christain friends... both nurses and volunteers. Hopefully the hospice house here will open up a position within the year. I am a little worried about how Ed will do with me gone potential 2 nights a week... but with lots of prep and planning. It should flow smoothly. Ed is the greatest. He said the night shift wouldn't be good for me, this was a definite job and he knew I loved it --so would make it work. We will review in November... before Advent. He is the best!!

1 comment:

mom2jjk said...

I am so happy for you and a little jealous. It will be a bit harder with the commute but the rewards from working there will make it worth it. I would love to work there again.