Thursday, March 12, 2009


My surgery has kinda upset our family. Or at least our egos. Last night, Luke told me....

Luke: The "small city journal" called for you.
Me: Oh..... (with some admitted indifference).
Luke: "I asked her if she wanted to write a story about my flu or your surgery"
Me: (attention gathered) What did she say?
Luke: Well she didn't say anything for a minute, then she said she'd call back when you could talk to her.
Me: Lukey... all she wanted was to sell us a subscription. The flu and a hysterectomy is not news.
Luke: Are you sure......

The next day a young women called from the "small city journal" to sell a subscription. I thought about telling her all about the flu and my surgery.... for an instance before politely declining. But if they continue to call and call and call like the "Seminary city newspapers", I'm more than willing to share details.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your kids say the cutest things!! Oh man, that is so cute!