Saturday, October 18, 2008

Crying for.....

Leah woke me up at 3:15 AM, crying. Scared? NOPE. Sick? NOPE. Missing me? NOPE NOPE NOPE. "I miss Angie my babysitter!!!!!!" Angie has watched the kids a total of 3 times since we moved here. We are so grateful for babysitting, after 3 years at the sem when time and finances did not make date nights easy. We are able to take more time now -- but we don't. I'm not really sure why. But, as I think about it....I feel guilty pursing more date nights... unless it's Grandma and Grandpa. I just feel like the babysitter would be watching the clock...wishing I'd get home already. I don't know why this is the case. When I babysit....I never thought this. We pay good. I know date night is good for marriage and enjoy time with my husband. I guess I also worry the kids are 'missing out' on fun or taking something away from them. Guess I can't worry about that anymore, especially when Angie is around. Angie does seem to enjoy them and readily agrees to babysit everytime I ask. Yesterday, Leah asked me to make sure I took a long date!!! Time to schedule more time with my husband!! We had the best time eating at Olive Garden, browsing a Christian book store, shopping for warm sweaters and finishing a Star.bucks. Next time, we'll go to a movie. Wild nights, I know.


Shelley said...

Date night...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. We actually got to go on a double date with the parents of Schmoo's good friend E. Miss Julie, their teacher watched them. This made for a fun night for all. Can't wait to do it again. We're thinking of hitting the new piano bar.

mom2jjk said...

That is sweet she likes her sitter so much. Not fun to be woken up for it though! Care Bear still doesn't sleep through the night. Someday....

Anonymous said...

YAY it is such a relief to have a babysitter you like, the kids like, and you trust!

Keep having date night! And please call Eric and tell him how wonderful it is...he needs a clue haha!