Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Coming Home!

I LOVE BEING 'HOME'!!!! Crossing the border into Iowa created such a feeling. Something like accomplishment...but more like relief. Something lifted off of our shoulders. Iowa has changed a little, we have changed as well. But, we feel comfortable here....and it's not just the low humidity. (but that helps a lot!)

Today, Luke and I went to see Dr. C. She has been our pediatrician since the day of Luke's pyloric stenosis repair at age 5 weeks. I trust her completely and as crazy as it sounds....I am more than willing to drive a couple of hours to have her examine my children. She has the most incredible memory. Including, calling Leah "Heaven", just as she has since she was in foster care! She tells Luke she takes care of my sister's children as well. Most importantly, she examines every inch of my children, even checking every reflex that is in my nursing books. Just what this anxious nurse Mommy needs!

Tomorrow Ed drives to our new home and will spend the night with a good friend who was just ordained and will be 10 miles away. I know that D and M will be a tremendous gift in this new chapter of our life. The kids, cats and I will drive to our new home on Thursday morning. I am so excited to see our new home and church. This is one of the communities we drove through last September and stopped at the Hyvee to buy flowers for my mother's grave. I wondered with each community...just what would it be like to live there... soon we find out!

The kids are at a baseball game and Ed and I just came back from dinner and a movie. We love being 'Home'. At the seminary, we are taught that home is where you hang your coat....We get this and will make a home in our new small town, just as we did in the big city. Now if I only could find a job like the one I had!

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