Tuesday, August 28, 2007

This boy keeps us busy

The setting.... it was just too hot to do our original plan of visiting some Indian mounds after church. So a quiet Sunday is planned with a nap!

** Nap interrupted by B asking where the Urgent care was.

** Turns out if Shark Boy is balancing a model bike kit's pedal on his ear....he shouldn't laugh.

** Since just one night before Mom and Dad had explained the concept of "put nothing smaller than your elbow in your ear" , SB's next logical step is trying to pry it out with his fingers and another toy. Thus bike pedal ends up next to ear drum.

**B travels with SB to the urgent care to save $80. But.....Urgent Care is unable to pry bike pedals out of ear drums.

**Off the the ER. Shark Boy was very brave...but removal of bike pedals hurt A LOT!! On the Dr's last try before waiting 24 hours to find an ENT. She uses Forceps to open canal even wider to grab pedal on both sides, and it's all Over!!!

Now.... One would think this experience would mean no more objects in a child's ear. Certainly this is Mom and Dad's plan. But, Shark Boy thinks we should throw away all small toys...so he isn't tempted to try this again!! We love the boy! But - hide all small toys!


Ann said...

Oh my land!!!! That is too funny!! It reminds me of this other 7 yr old I know who was just laying there during rest time in kindergarten a couple years ago, and all of a sudden, this little pebble just went in his ear! Yeah, he was just laying there resting, and this little piece of gravel next to him just hopped into his ear. All by itself. Amazing! And painful to remove as well.

Anonymous said...

Oh Boy....SB is quite the creative fella :) His imagination is vivid and all his own. Maybe he'll become a scientist one day...until then, his spirit always makes me smile. Now, if his spirit was only cheaper than the co-pay visit. Kate :)