Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sand Dunes

Sunday is beautiful. 80’s and sunny. B and K’s cabin is only 45 minutes from the Sand Dunes National Park. A big beach of sand in the mountains… actually so much more. Thousands of years ago, southwest winds blew and dropped 30 square miles of sand below the mountain ridge. Today the winds are constantly blowing this sand into dunes of all sizes and shapes. To the kids, it is one big beach -- big enough to side down on makeshift cardboard sleds and to wade in the creek bed that mostly flows beneath the sand. God’s plans for nature are amazing! Leah wanted to play in the creek bed and tired of the dunes quickly. Luke however, took in quest after quest for a higher slope. Ed and I enjoyed the walk through the sand and beautiful views and Mom once rolled down a dune. Then she was quite breathless and had a big headache. Oh for the strength of youth again!

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