Sunday, December 20, 2009

Missed blogging

Tap, Tap.... anyone there? Probably not for awhile. I can not believe it has been almost 2 months. I joined facebook, and that distracted me for awhile... pretty easy but vague and writers block is even more intense as some of my high school "friends" are reading... and I just know are probably "judging". Maybe life has changed for them too... but old insecurities don't die I guess. Several good friends are on FB too (even high school), but they aren't posting much either!

Life is going on... very fast. I blink and another week is gone! I still love the hospice house, but the drive is more difficult worrying about the weather. The kids have started to adjust. I don't know how much longer God will keep me in DSM. It really seems like that to me.... Some pretty incredible "God instances" have occurred that have influenced me and hopefully have helped others. God's plans are right and perfect and I am continuing to learn to trust in him. This blog started due to all of the "God instances" that occurred during the seminary years. I wanted to keep track of them and share them. Mostly the blog turned into "cute stories about the kids" and mostly Leah as I didn't want to embarrass Luke as he began to try new things and suffering enough growing pains as it is being a "tweener" as he refers to himself. So I have a new camera, too much teenage insecurites for regular facebook, and miss the good old blog so... lets try this again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, glad I am that you are back! Yes, God has the Master Plan and it is neat to see it unfold. I love this blog and your stories so keep 'em coming, girl :)