Thursday, August 21, 2008

First Day of school a success!

The first Day of School was a success. Luke really seems to enjoy his teacher and has made several friends. He walked the 2 blocks to the Y and was sweating when I picked him up from playing basketball for about an hour. He wants to stay longer and really wants me to bring my workout clothes tomorrow. My kids are great motivators for exercise.

I got a workout as well at school!! My little guy can walk quite fast and is a fan of slides. I follow him everywhere! I anticipate some challenges some days.....will just need to learn which battles to let go! I am happy with the job and the HOURS are a blessing. Most people know I am not a morning person. I was able to get up at 6:45 versus 5:00 am. What a difference. I was able to pick up both of my kids...get the low down on the day first hand, make supper, read the paper and tuck them both in bed. For a working's the best! I am planning to enjoy the weekends! (Although my poor husband needs to work every one!!! :-) ))


Anonymous said...

I wish that I had your schedule but it couldn't have come to a more deserving Enjoy :) Kate

Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm glad it's going well :)